Launch Day!

Today sees 2 launches, the first is Dumfries and Galloway's new Short Lets Licensing system which goes live today! This comes the day before the October 1st launch of new legislation across Scotland to help ensure short lets are safe by requiring anyone offering short lets to get a licence.

“From 1 October 2022, if you use a property to offer short-term lets in Scotland you’ll need to apply for a licence. This is to make sure they’re safe and that people providing them have been through all the required checks. It will also help local councils to understand the needs of their local areas and help with handling complaints.”

Our Short Term Lets system is an offshoot from our existing Housing Licensing product which has a lot in common in terms of process and flow. It provides authorities with an efficient and cost-effective way to manage applications online from start to finish, all in one system. It allows for a comprehensive fully online service to submit and track applications for all types of short let licence with a facility to copy basic licence details to new licences to cut down on repetitive work. It also supports mygov.scott account integration.

The 4 types of licence supported and required by the scheme are

  • Home sharing
  • Home letting
  • Secondary letting
  • Home letting and home sharing

On top of this, our system includes the functionality to view historic licenses and re-download certificates for existing licenses enabling a high level of customer self service to help reduce the burden on officers.

The system can be tailored to each individual organisation for document production, styling and flow and the online payments integration is done directly through your preferred payment provider offering a seamless and easy to navigate process for customers.

Our short lets licensing system is available to purchase through G-Cloud 12 and will also be listed on Gcloud 13 which is due to go live in early November as a configuration option on our Housing Licensing product.

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