Its recycling week and the theme for this year is 'Let’s Get Real'!

Its recycling week and the theme for this year is 'Let’s Get Real'!

So, let’s be real for a second.

Waste is a massive expenditure for local authorities. Authorities spend significant sums of money running and maintaining their waste operations. We provide several products that help manage waste and recycling services which drives up recycling rates and also drives down costs for our customers. This allows the remainder of the budget to be spent where it matters most, on services.

Bulky waste collections:

We provide bulky waste services to a number of councils and they have some really excellent ideas for reducing waste and improving recycling. Some authorities collect waste electronics for free, some offer a free list every year and then charge for subsequent ones while all provide an easy-to-use service for a fair fee. This ensures all relevant waste is disposed of in the most environmentally friendly way possible which sometimes means being repurposed and sold on!

Green waste collections:

Our green waste management system allows authorities to provide green waste collections which are then recycled and reused for a fee. Our latest iteration of the system helps to cut down on waste in the first place, by turning the traditional method on its head and only giving bins to those who subscribe, reducing mail and plastic usage by the authority.

Commercial waste:

Our commercial waste systems allow authorities to make money from waste, while also helping to ensure that waste goes where it should. It’s also imperative to promoting recycling, as it helps offer lower rates for recycling bins than general waste bins.

HWRC Booking system:

Our tip booking system helps councils cut down on commercial waste, ensuring people pay what they dispose of their own waste. Our HWRC booking system provides excellent value and it proven to assist councils in saving huge amounts of money. It also provides reliable access to sites for the public who can always be sure that when they make a booking, they will be able to go quickly and efficiently to their chosen site. By pre booking it also helps prevent long standing queues, which in turn reduces both congestion and pollution.


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