ESB 21.10 Released

Pentagull is pleased to announce the release of version 21.10 of the ESB platform. This release includes a mix of new features as well as refinements to usability and reliability.

What's new for End-Users?

We have added support for sending correspondence directly from within ESB to the Gov.Uk Notify Letters service.  This service provides printing and posting of letters up to 10 pages in length, and this enhancement means you can have any standard PDF presentation template sent to the Notify service for printing directly from within your workflow simply through use of the CreatePDF business rule function.

What's new for System Configurators?

We’re continuing our migration to MVC, and this release sees the Edit Object Template page completely re-written using MVC rather than Web Forms. There are also improvements to the way you define archive and deletion settings against closure reasons – you now get a more easily understood user interface with commonly used periods of time rather than having to enter everything in days.

Further Reading

A complete set of changes can be found in the Technical Release Notes available via the ESB Agile Discussion Forum. If you are a Pentagull customer, you will receive this release in accordance with your agreed release schedule.  Should you have any questions about this release, please contact your account manager, or reach out to us at


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