ESB 20.04 Released

Pentagull is pleased to announce the immediate availability of version 20.04 of the ESB platform. The main focus of this release is stability and performance, though we’ve still managed to include a few new features.

What's new for End-Users

Our optional Data Management module now includes a new report designed to give users a snapshot of the data retention settings of all their data. This makes it incredibly easy to be certain that you are complying with all your data protection policies by bringing all the relevant information together in a single spreadsheet. Users can then audit the generated spreadsheet, identify any areas where action is required and ensure that any necessary configuration changes are made. Once complete the report can be run again to verify that everything is now configured as required.

What's new for System Configurators

There have been enhancements to global variables, a new Messages tab in the Manage Users module so you can see what email messages have been sent to a given user, and a number of other smaller improvements.

What's new for Developers

There’s a new version of the CallMethod business rule called CallMethodWithParams. This version takes an extra argument that can be used to pass a string to the underlying callback. The RuleCallback class from which all callback classes are derived now includes a Parameters string that you can use to access the string that was passed to the CallMethodWithParams function. The idea behind this new method is that it allows system configurators more flexibility when passing data to callbacks and helps make callbacks more re-usable.

Further Reading

A complete set of changes can be found in the Technical Release Notes available via the ESB Agile Discussion Forum. If you are a Pentagull customer, you will receive this release in accordance with your agreed release schedules. Should you have any questions about this release, please contact your account manager, or reach out to us at

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