Protect your data against DDoS Attacks

Earlier this month, the site GitHub experienced the largest distributed denial of service attack ever recorded.

While DDoS attacks are not new, attackers are finding increasingly sophisticated ways of generating massive amounts of traffic that can be funnelled at the target hosts - in GitHub's case this amounted to 1.3Tbps.

Although it is impossible to completely eliminate the impact of a DDoS attack of this scale, having suitable preparatory measures in place can significantly reduce the impact and the associated recovery time.

Pentagull has partnered with AWS to provide our cloud infrastructure, and as such we benefit from the immense resources and expertise available to us. Services such as AWS Shield help to prevent and mitigate DDoS attacks in real time, allowing us to quickly route malicious traffic away from our infrastructure.

If you would like to learn more about how we can protect our online service against these attacks, contact our Sales Team for further information.

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