What a day!

We had the pleasure today of doing something a little bit different in filming a piece with Collaborative Media for the Executive Tv channel on Sky.

It was an interesting day with several of our customers coming together to talk about digital transformation in the public sector.

In the morning Tony Doyle the Head of ICT services at Blackpool Council gave an informative and passionate start to the day talking about topics ranging from protecting data through to what he thinks is coming in the future. This was followed by our directors John and Garry giving their thoughts on digital transformation from the private sector’s perspective and explaining how they see ESB as a powerful tool for authorities to wield when undertaking digital transformation.

We then had Tina who works for Engie in collaboration with North East Lincs Council as a Rogue Landlord Project Officer giving us her thoughts on Pentagull and the ESB platform and this was swiftly followed up by Chris who is a Customer First Team Coach at Blackpooll giving his thoughts on saving money through digitization along with an overview of one of the more recent projects he worked on with Pentagull. We’re looking forward to seeing the final results and we’ll be posting some of the content soon.

We wrapped up with a few shots outside for fillers as the weather had finally decided to stop trying to wash us into the sea! Now we just have to wait a few weeks to see the final results.

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