Pentagull Achieves ISO9001 & ISO27001 Accreditations

After many months of hard work by the team here at Pentagull we are pleased to advise all our customers that we have received certification to ISO 9001 Quality Management and ISO 27001 Information Security Management.

This move reflects our commitment to delivering quality, robust and secure software and services to all of our customers, as well as providing reassurance that our processes, policies and procedures have been independently verified to comply with the leading global standards for quality and information security.

As part of the accreditation process, every aspect of our software development, project implementation and hosted software service was scrutinised to ensure that we focus on quality and information security at a fundamental level.

These principals have always been at the heart of everything we do here at Pentagull, however it is rewarding to see our efforts recognised through our certification to a formal standard.

If you have any questions about our recent ISO certification, or indeed any of the other certification schemes to which we belong, please drop us an email to

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