COVID-19 readiness - March 17th

We’re all worried about the impact of COVID-19 on our lives and on society. At Pentagull we’re also concerned about the potential impact the spread of the virus could have on our team, their families and our client base. So we’ve been planning extensively for the likely scenarios and we wanted to share those plans with you so you can have confidence that we’ve really got your back in all eventualities.

Business continuity

We have, in the background of the last week been quietly working to make sure we have everything in place for the full team to start working from home if that’s the way the situation evolves. Based on the most recent advice from the government we will, starting from tomorrow the 18th March be implementing home working for all staff. In reality the only noticeable difference for our customers will be that the physical office will be closed. Other than that, everything will be business as usual, the phone number will remain open and all support calls and tickets will be answered as normal. Active projects will continue as far as possible while our customers are still available to work with.

Team wellbeing

We know you care about the wellbeing of our team as much as we do. The good news is that no-one in the team has displayed any symptoms and there are no reports of anyone in our extended family suffering the effects of COVID-19. We’ll continue to monitor this of course and from tomorrow all staff will start working from home so that we minimise risk to them and people around them.


While the current circumstances are quite unnerving, we feel that we’re as ready as possible for the changing situation. We have robust risk management processes in place across all of our operations and we’re confident that these will see us through this period of uncertainty. We’ll be actively managing the situation as things change and keeping you up to date. But we encourage you to raise any concerns which you may have with your account manager or the support desk.

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Another huge go-live to shout about!
Another huge go-live to shout about!

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